28 February – 2 March 2025  Kriya Yoga Initiation Retreat | STOCKHOLM (English)                                       Free Public Lecture: Friday 28 February 19:00

Join us for a special initiation weekend in Stockholm, with Yogacharya Ruud Wierdsma. Kriya Yoga is an ancient method of living and meditation that cultivates body, mind, intellect and awareness of the soul, using powerful meditative and yogic disciplines. It helps us to experience the three divine qualities of light, vibration and sound using concentration, posture and breathing. This develops a one-pointed mind, which enables us to penetrate the deepest levels of consciousness and change our lives.

 Kriya Yoga teaches us that any action, kri, is done by ya, the indwelling soul. It is a universal spiritual discipline that crosses all divisions and boundaries. 

For newly initiated people we offer the price of 150 euros initiation donation, no extra retreat fee for the weekend. For the initiation ceremony you would need to bring three offerings. The three offerings are five fruits, which represent the fruits gained from activities throughout life; five flowers, which represent the five senses; and a financial donation of 150 euros. The three offerings represent the causal, astral, and gross bodies, respectively. You can find more information about the initiation and Kriya Yoga here.

People already initiated into the Kriya Yoga technique are also very welcome. Retreat fee for already initiated is 100 euros for the weekend. A free public lecture about Kriya Yoga will be held on friday evening February 28 at 7:00 pm.

Location: Yeshin Norbu Meditationscenter, Roslagsgatan 62, 113 54 Stockholm. For the program schedule please click on the link here or contact us. For more information and registration email us at info@lakesideretreat.org.



18 – 26 July 2025  Kriya Yoga Summer Retreat        

This Kriya Yoga summer retreat offers you a unique program with guided meditations by spiritual leader and Kriya Yoga teacher Rajarshi Peter van Breukelen. Kriya Yoga is a golden opportunity to reach higher states of consciousness and positively change your life. Kriya Yoga meditation enhances the experience of inner silence and peace, and brings an awareness that can transform you and realign you with your true self.

This special Kriya Yoga Retreat program is held annually. It is a special fundraising program to support the non-profit organization Hand in Hand.


In addition to the daily meditations there will be plenty of opportunity for walking, swimming, canoeing and practicing yoga. All of the activities are offered in an atmosphere of openness in order to enable you to enjoy the beautiful environment as much as you like, and can benefit the experience of greater stillness within yourself.





The program consist of:

  • 2 daily meditations
  • hatha yoga classes
  • nature walks in the Glaskogen Nature Reserve
  • canoeing on the beautiful lakes with a picnic
  • campfire sharing (when there is no risk of forest fire)
  • swimming & boating in the shimmering blue lakes
  • time for personal contemplation and relaxation

Participation fee

The participation fee for the retreat program is 850 euros. This includes the fundraising fee for Hand in Hand, full accommodation, three healthy, vegetarian meals a day, all meditations and activities. Not included in the price are the airport pick-up service (150 euros both ways), pick-up from train or bus station (these are optional and can be arranged for a fee), and individual travel costs to Sweden and Lakeside Retreat. Included is the 25 euro maintenance fee for the Glaskogen Nature Reserve. It enables the maintenance of all the trails, shelters, lakes, camping sites, firewood and toilets available to us.

This Kriya Yoga fundraising program is open to everyone already initiated in the practice of Kriya Yoga by an authorised teacher. You can be initiated during the program. If you wish to participate but are not yet initiated, please contact us. For information about Kriya Yoga see our page on retreats or go to the international website of Kriya Yoga.

For questions, information and registration you can contact us at info@lakesideretreat.org or call +46-(0)73-0913685 or +46-(0)73-0777357. We will be happy for the opportunity to help you in any way we can.